Convert from wheelchair mode to utility mode in seconds without tools. More info...
If you like the MAV, you'll love the Ox Utility Vehicle! This versatile beast is a mild-mannered wheelchair with the utility of an ox. You can switch from wheelchair mode to utility mode without tools. The adjustable deluxe seat is removable with simple pull-pins to be replaced with a versatile expanded metal deck. The joystick can then be switched to handheld mode to walk beside the Ox as it carries your cargo. The flat deck surface provides a stable hauling platform for oversized objects, or add a stretcher for rough terrain rescues. Add the sidewalls to turn the deck into an enclosed bed to secure loose cargo. In utility mode, the footrest becomes a lower deck where you can store extra cargo, spare batteries, or a small generator for extended range. Two powerful 24-volt electric motors move the Ox with true zero-radius pivot turning capability. The simplified welded construction offers cost reduction over the bolt-together MAV, making it a far more economical build for those who love to weld. The plans include all drawings and dxf flat pattern files, so you can build the parts yourself. The plans also include part numbers with sources for all purchased components such as track, motors, etc.